Poetry: Mar-Sept 2014



Winter’s ‘cicles held aloft by slowest rain, jaggedly tickle the lower sky, hungry upturned snouts, fuzzy backsides, squeal of the light, delight scattered through evergreen branches like grain through an electric fence, static yet not without motion, squinting through snowflakes


Sensibly the sun rises in the middle distance, alchemical mirrors transmute golden photons into leaden electrons, consciousness drips into cups, still steaming


Simmering sugary mists and fast-burning flames, awake, awaiting, a syrupy fog rises, leaving ever sweeter potions as the day’s gallons boil down to spoonfuls


Societal decomposers recollect organic particles, liberating biomass from petro-plastic prisons, perfectly palatable post-non-consumed packaged processed products politely provided to patient pigs and poultry, the cacophony of critters coalesces into concordant consumption, before breakfast, the sacred rite of slop is observed


Fractal pillars hold up a ceiling of infinite stars, persian rugs of moss, sparkling statues of mica, camped out in a cathedral


Streaming ribbons of phosphorescent bubble-gum-pink liquid fire, the blood that sloshes through steel veins, fueling a 26-ton yellow dragon of earth-shattering fury


Beauty in disturbance, reorganization, aggradation, succession, the brightside of a chainsaw, gaps, glades, and golden sunlight


Awakening, a misty dawn shrouds the day ahead with translucent purity, limbs of familiar friends materialize as ghostly silhouettes, vessels dripping with dew


Sweet like how the night sounds, fluttering moth wings, rustling leaves, distant echoes of dulcimer music, sweet like how the sky looks, a glowing halo around the moon, shimmering stars sending shivers down my spine, sweet like the dawn’s first ray of golden sunlight, piercing the monochrome shadows blanketing the woods and infusing the world with vivid living color, sweet like the bee’s knees, like pollinating arcadian imagery, like yoga in the dappled shade on a warm and windy day


A cloudless atmosphere, pale blue sky refracts the sizzling midmorning sun, local brightness obscuring distant heavens, warm air plays a rising melody


Sleepwalkers rising from matutinal marshlands to ride the rivers of vernal velocity flowing into estival estuaries of ecstasy


The sky is covered in an inside-out blanket, the earth a patchwork quilt of greens and browns, lining beds with stone pillows, daydreaming of a nap


Tightly wound fractal strings of information, firefly light show extinguished by precipitation, cosmic ambiance radiantly reflected in microbiological geometry


The dragon rests at the edge of the woods, savoring its first taste of maple, hemlock, birch, pine, oak, and ash


Visions of a multidimensional space destined to manifest in stone, wood, and earth, occupy, observe, obsess, following the slope, channeling the flow, concentric arcs of my uphill patio, mansion of outdoor rooms, branching spiraling paths amid polyculture patches, trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, and their best companion matches, a soft flat meadow for yoga, and a quiet meditation nook or ten, to feel with mind and soul and body, the presence that is zen


Weaving among piles of boulders, exposed roots, and fallen trees, the freshly upturned earth giving way slightly below my feet, in the once and future woods


The slow dance of succession, growing green bandages over old wounds


It’s raining syllables, pouring consonants, cascading communications, an avalanche of articulation, invocations, intonations, and evanescent explications, crystallizing concepts, delineating designs, and immortalizing emotions


Infinite humidity, swimming through dreams, the crash of non-differentiable waves, falling out of clouds of probability and soaking into neuro-fungal nets


Arboreal access and arcane arithmetic accelerates arhythmic pitter patter patterns of precipitating particles against my plastic patchwork palace


Gaps and clearings in the clouds, holes in the fabric of the sky, the brightness of heaven shines through


Tiny photosynthetic beings with a strong sense of place, rest their petals upon their leaves, folding their heads in meditation, wistful restern west slipping into slumber


Hands in the dirt, sun in our eyes


Arachnid allies materialize majestically, weaving whimsically practical patterns of fractally factual actual webs, spectacular silky spirals specifically


Leaves the color of fire, nature’s reminder, first frosty whisper of winter urges haste, warns of daylight’s waste, seasons unsympathetic towards the unprepared